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Our Governors

What do governors do?

The governors play an extremely important role within our school. They work closely with the Headteacher and staff to ensure the best possible education for our children. Our governors come from a variety of backgrounds and offer an extensive range of experience. They often visit the school to work with the children and to see what is happening.

Our Governing body is made up of: 

The Headteacher, and a representative from both the teaching and support staff,

Representatives from the Parochial Church Councils, the Diocese of Chichester, the Local Education Authority and the Bradshaw Trust,

Elected parent representatives,

Associate members.

The documents below explain the role of governors in our school. Please note that associate governors do not have voting rights.

    Meet our governors

  • John Read – Chair of Governors

    I am a retired teacher and Headteacher. I started my career here at Guestling Bradshaw Primary School where I ended up as deputy head. Later I was Head at St Thomas’ Primary School, Winchelsea.

    Three of my grandchildren were taught at Guestling School.

    I have been a governor for at least seven years and hope to continue the devoted and successful legacy of Gill Plank who retired at the end of last term.




  • Isabel Hodger – Local Authority Governor and Vice Chair

    I have been in education all my working life as class teacher, adviser, head teacher and governor. Towards the end of my career, I spent 3 years in Ethiopia for VSO, where I worked on a National Strategy for Continued Professional Development, and learnt all about a different culture. Even though I am retired, I still love watching children learn.  Hopefully I can use my experience to help the school where appropriate.

    In my spare time I look after my own grandchildren, I am a member of a singing group that sings in local care homes each week, I enjoy growing my own vegetables, and I run round the park occasionally to keep fit!




  • Nicola Boulter – Foundation Governor

    I have been a governor at Guestling Bradshaw CEP School for 12 years, since my eldest son started there in 2004. Since then two other sons have followed. I currently have one still at the school. I am a business woman and own my own hotel with my family. I also work as an assessor for apprenticeships in Hospitality, Business Administration and Customer Service at Bexhill College.

    I wanted to be a governor because I believe in a good education for all children and wanted to offer my help and support to do this. I am currently the Safeguarding Governor at Guestling and I also sit on East Sussex Children’s Service Scrutiny Committee, where I have been involved with review boards concerned with raising the participant age from 16-18 years and raising attainment in early years education.    

  • John Mannering

    Details to follow.

  • Joanne Lambourne

    Details to follow.

  • Hannah Coombes

    Details to follow

  • Do you know who our governors are?

    Please see who our governors are and what responsibilities they have by opening the document below.

    Governor attendance

    Please find below the Governor attendance record for 2022-2023

    Governors Attendance 20022-2023Governors Attendance 2022-2023- Teaching and learning

Contact Details

If you would like to contact our Governors please use the following details:

Chair of Governors
Mr John Read
email: jread@guestling.e-sussex.sch.uk

Clerk to Governors
email: clerk@guestling.e-sussex.sch.uk




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