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School Uniform


Everyday Wear

*Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school crest
*Royal blue fleece with school crest
*Royal blue polo shirt
Grey or black trousers
Grey pinafore/skirt or blue and white cotton dress (dresses are usually worn from the end of April to the beginning of September).
Black shoes. 

Smart, black or grey shorts- just above the knee may also be worn in term 5 and 6. (Not cycling shorts)

Black ankle boots may be worn in colder weather (Term 2,3 and 4).

Closed- toe, strapped sandals can be worn in warmer weather. (Open- toe sandels not allowed due to health and safety)
Socks or tights should be plain black, grey or white

We ask that haircuts are not extreme (e.g. shaved patterns into hair). For health and safety reasons and to reduce the spread of head lice, all pupils (boys and girls) with hair of shoulder length (or longer) should wear it tied back at all times. Hairbands and hairclips should be plain and of a reasonable size- black, dark brown or blue.

Physical Education

*Blue T-shirt with school crest
Blue shorts
Tracksuit or jogging trousers for colder weather
Plimsolls for indoor PE/trainers for outside games in Key Stage 2
Swimming costume
*Swimming hat
Football boots/shin-pads will only be needed for after school clubs and team activities.

*These items can only be purchased from the school.

Other Items

The school encourages the use of the following optional items:
*Book bag
*Plimsoll bag
Rucksacks (these should be of a reasonable size to fit on the child’s cloakroom peg)

Uniform order forms for NEW items can be found in the School Office, or downloaded below.  Our PTA also have a selection of good quality second hand items which are available for sale.  A PTA request form can also be found in the School Office.


All forms of jewellery present a risk to the child’s health and safety at school and is therefore not encouraged. Also, jewellery lost, damaged or broken at school causes upset and problems. As children move into Key Stage 2 parents may purchase a watch for their child which may be worn to school if it is practical and is the pupil’s responsibility. Teachers will look after a watch during Physical Education lessons and after school clubs. Children may wear their 100% attendance wristband and one other wristband if it links to an appropriate charity or event.

It is necessary to remind parents that body piercing, except pierced ears, is not considered appropriate and is strongly discouraged. Where ears are pierced, studs may be worn to school and no other form of earrings. Studs must be covered with surgical tape for Physical Education activities, including swimming.

The wearing of make-up, nail varnish and ‘temporary’ tattoos is not considered acceptable and your child will be asked to remove these in school using make-up remover where appropriate.

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