If you have a child starting school in September 2024, you need to apply for a place by 15th January 2024.
Full details of the admissions process can be found on the East Sussex County Council website.
Guestling Bradshaw is a single form entry school and normally has 30 places available in Reception. Children living in Guestling, Fairlight and Pett may qualify for free transport.
Procedure for Unsuccessful Applicants
Parents who are not offered a place for their child(ren) are entitled to appeal to an independent panel under the provisions of the 1996 Education Act. Appeals lodged in connection with entry in September must be submitted to the school by the following May. Appeals hearings will take place within 40 days of the appeals deadline. See below attachment for details of the timetable for appeals.
Children refused a place can, at their parents’ request, be put on a waiting list where priorities will also be determined by the admissions criteria set out above. Children are kept on the waiting list until the end of the current academic year.
Admission Arrangements 2022-2023
Please see below the admission arrangements for the 2022-2023 school year.
Admission Arrangements 2023-2024
Please see below the admission arrangements for the 2023-2024 school year
Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Please see below the admission arrangements for the 2024.-2025 school year.
Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Deferred Entry to School
Parents of a summer born child may choose not to send the child to school until the September following their fifth birthday and may request that they are admitted out of their normal age group - to Reception rather than Year 1.
The County website explains more about the admissions procedure - click here to visit the page. The admissions booklet with information about all the schools in East Sussex is available by clicking here. The booklet is divided into eleven parts that can be downloaded separately; Guestling comes under part two (primary schools).
Applications for primary school places can only be made online. Once you have chosen a school, click here to complete the online form to apply for a place. If you have not already done so, you will need to register before you begin. The parish boundary map can be seen below.
If you need any help with your online application, please ask at the school office.
Admissions at Other Times
An in-year admission is the admission of a pupil to a school which takes place outside of the normal entry times. This includes pupils changing schools, pupils coming from a different country or from other parts of the UK, pupils returning to a school from living elsewhere or those who have not been in school. You can ask to change schools at any time.
You can apply direct to schools. If there is a place available the head teacher will usually arrange a start date with you. You can also apply online.
The Governors have agreed with the Local Children’s Services Authority to admit 30 pupils to Key Stage 1 (infant) classes and 32 pupils to Key Stage 2 (junior) classes. The admissions criteria, as stated in the Admissions Policy 2020-21 below, will be applied if there are more applicants than places. There is also a supplementary information form.
County Admissions Team
For general enquiries you can contact:
Admissions and Transport Team
County Hall
St Anne's Crescent
East Sussex BN7 1UE
Tel: 0300 330 9472
Opening hours for enquiries
Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm.