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Growing Together ~Learning Forever

Living Life to the Full

Based on John 10:10 

Respect - Love - Community - Courage - Wonder - Growth

Our school is a family with the love of God at its heart. We are dedicated to creating a place of growth and wonder, where everyone is respected, loved and valued, knowing they are unique and special in God's eyes. We want all members of our community to develop a joy for learning, understand the importance of and have the courage to live' life in all its fullness’ so that they are enabled and inspired to use their skills and talents to make a positive impact in the world and  shine brightly as God intended.

Welcome  to Guestling Bradshaw Church of England Primary School.

Our Christian ethos permeates the life of the school as we provide a caring and positive atmosphere in which our children grow in self-confidence and respect. We encourage our children to look inwards; to think about their own beliefs, values, hopes, dreams, feelings, ideas and aspirations.  We inspire our children to look outwards; to reflect on and appreciate the natural world, the environment and human achievement. Our aim is for our children to develop a sense of awe and wonder and a sense of responsibility towards others and their world, feeling a valuable part of it and knowing that they have a contribution to make.

We nurture positive attitudes to learning and children are encouraged to take responsibility for improving their work and to see setbacks and feedback as opportunities to learn and grow. We want all our pupils to discover and develop individual talents and skills, have the confidence to take risks and have high aspirations for their future. Effort, hard work, trying new things and understanding others are celebrated as part of our belief that we are all lifelong learners.

We are a friendly school, where parents and carers, staff, children, governors and members of the community work together to create an environment that allows each person to develop and flourish, both as an individual, and as a member of a team.

We are very proud of our many successes, but above all, we are proud to serve the children and families of our community.

If you need any further information, have any questions or would like to visit, please do not hesitate to contact the school to make an appointment.  I look forward to meeting you.

Mrs Siobhan Andrews (Headteacher)

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